Language Menu
  • 国際化共同推進センター
  • 通訳サポートと外国語での相談
  • 通訳サポート電話
  • 外国人のための専門相談談会
  • 仙台生活便利帳
  • SenTIAコミュニティ通訳サポーター派遣
  • ウクライナ避難民の相談窓口

The Sendai Multicultural Center provides useful information for living in Sendai to foreign residents in multiple languages. The center also takes consultations from foreign residents and offers advice on multicultural community building. The Sendai Multicultural Center is commissioned by the City of Sendai and managed by SenTIA.

Opening hours Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
※We are closed during the Year End and New Year's Holidays as well as 1 or 2 days per month for maintenance.
Closed days December 16th (Mon), 17th (Tue), 25th (Wed), 28th (Sat)-31st (Tue) 2024
January 1st (Wed)-4th (Sat), 14th (Tue) 2025

●Phone calls will not be answered.
●Please send consultations by email. They will be replied to at a later date.

*The Sendai Multicultural Center may also be temporarily closed on other days due to repairs or inspections.

Notices from Sendai Multicultural Center

2024年12月10日 Announcement of the end of library services (books, newspapers and magazines)
2024年12月9日 The multilingual digest of December’s Sendai City Newsletter is now available to read on the City of Sendai’s website.
2024年12月3日 [Notice from the City of Sendai] Children’s Club User Guide(仙台市:児童クラブ利用案内)
2024年11月21日 User Satisfaction Survey for the Sendai Multicultural Center/利用者満足度調査
2024年11月22日 Notice regarding the relocation of the Sendai Multicultural Center/仙台多文化共生センター移転のお知らせ
2024年11月18日 Notice of Specialist Consultations in December/12月の専門相談会のお知らせ
2024年11月13日 [Notice from Sendai City] Day Care for All Children System(仙台市:こども誰でも通園制度)
2024年11月11日 Hear from high schoolers and other senpai! ―Foreign Residents’ Child Support Group 20th Anniversary Celebration―高校生(こうこうせい)と先輩(せんぱい)のお話(はなし)を聞(き)こう ―外国人(がいこくじん)の子(こ)ども・サポートの会(かい) 20周年(にじゅっしゅうねん)記念(きねん)―
2024年11月11日 The multilingual digest of November’s Sendai City Newsletter is now available to read on the City of Sendai’s website.
2024年10月24日 Joint Specialists Consultations for Foreigners on Nov 17th, Sunday (Sponsored by: Sendai Regional Immigration Bureau)


〒980-0856 Sendai International Center, 1F, Conference Building, Aobayama, Aoba-ku, Sendai,980-0856, Japan

*The Sendai Multicultural Center is located on the first floor of the Sendai International Center Conference Building.

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