School and Family

Class Visits

There will be opportunities once or twice a semester for parents to come to school and see how their children perform in class through observing a lesson.

Class Open House

After observing a lesson, all of the parents have the opportunity to talk with the teacher about their children’s education as a group.


There is a newsletter from the school called gakkoudayori (School Newsletter) and a newsletter for each different grade level called gakunendayori. Different schools may have different names for the newsletters. These newsletters will provide information on the next month's events, material that will be covered in class, money required for activities, and materials that your child needs to bring to class. Please be sure to carefully read the newsletter. If you are unsure about or have trouble understanding the newsletter, please contact the school for further clarification.

Home Visits

Once a year the home room teacher will come to your house and talk with you about your child’s progress at school. The teacher will contact you with the day and time he/she plans on visiting you. It is important that you contact the teacher as soon as possible if this day and time do not work for you. Some schools do not have home visits.

Parent-Teacher Conference

Parents come individually to the school and have an opportunity to talk with the home room teacher about their child’s progress at school.

Parents and Teachers Association (PTA)

The Parents and Teachers Association is an association that fosters cooperation between the school and parents to plan events for the benefit of children. They host various events, like lectures and bazaars, and meet to talk about their children. Dues are collected from members to fund PTA events.


Kodomo-kai (Children’s Association)

In some areas there are activities called kodomo-kai. The goal of these activities is to promote the healthy development of children, through increasing exchange between parents and children, and providing opportunities for parents and children to come together and better understand each other. Participation in these events requires paying dues. Money is collected on a bi-annual basis, or every few months. There is also the possibility of participating in a chonaikai neighborhood association. Some examples of events that the children’s association participate in are social gatherings, town festivals, welcoming and going-away parties, recreational events, and the collecting recyclables. For more information about these associations, please contact your child’s teacher.

After-School Care

After-school care is available for children in 1st through 3rd grade. This care will take place either at the school or a close-by Citizens' Center or a Children’s Center. Please contact your school for more information about after-school care.