School Events


“Nyuu-gaku shiki” (Entrance Ceremony):This is a ceremony for 1st graders commemorating their entrance into the school. The children and family both attend.

“Sotsugyoushiki” (Graduation Ceremony): This is a ceremony for 6th graders commemorating their graduation from Elementary School. The children and family both attend.

“Shigyoushiki” (Start of Semester Ceremony):This is a ceremony that marks the beginning of the 1st and 2nd semester. All of the children attend.

“Shuugyoushiki” (End of Semester Ceremony):This is a ceremony that occurs on the last day of the semester. Report cards are passed out on this day.

“Shuuryoushiki” (End of School Year Ceremony): This is a ceremony that occurs on the last day of the school year. All of the children attend.

Physical Education-Related Events

Every school has an undoukai (Sports Festival) which involves physical activity and dancing. The content of the event varies depending on school year. In some years the children will compete in the Sendai City Track and Field Competition. There is also a physical fitness examination that is used to gauge the physical fitness of individual children.

Field Trips

During field trips the children will learn in a different environment than their everyday classroom. Fifth and sixth graders go on overnight trips.

Other Events

Emergency Training: In preparation for the occurrence of a fire or an earthquake, the children practice how to safely evacuate to safety. There is also training for the parents which teaches the proper way to come to the school and retrieve your child in the event of an emergency.

Green Activities: The children make flower beds, and water flowers and plants. The children will also participate in weeding the gardens.

Student Government: There will be Student Festivals that are organized by the student government. School Art related events: There will be musical and theatrical performances and dances that will be performed on stage.

Other Events: Events such as class visits, social gatherings, and cleaning events will occur. In addition, there will be events held for families and people who live close to the schools.

Summer Pool Opening

During summer vacation the school pool will be opened. There is a lifeguard on duty, and parents are assigned days and take turns watching the children.