School Life

School Rules

School is a place where lots of different children get together and interact. It is necessary for everyone to get along and cooperate together. However, there are times where there will be misunderstandings and trouble will arise. When someone is difficult and acts selfishly it makes things difficult for everyone. To prevent these types of occurrences we have rules.

  1. You may not come to school by bike. Please walk to school.
  2. Children are not allowed to enter special classrooms, the gymnasium, or go out onto the veranda unless it is for cleaning or is part of a class-related activity.
  3. Use the designated routes to and from school.
  4. Please wear indoor shoes while inside the school building.
  5. Please wear your name tag. Some schools require your child to wear his/her name tag while walking to and from school. However, some schools do not require this.
  6. Please do not allow your child to bring inessential money, food, toys or accessories to school with him/her.

Absences, Tardiness, Early Dismissal and Permission to Sit Out During Physical Education Class.

In the case that your child will not attend school, will be late, needs early dismissal, or cannot participate during physical education class due to illness or family matters, please inform the school in the morning. You can contact the school by telephone or renrakucho (contact booklet). If you use the renrakucho, please ask someone who goes to the same school that lives in the neighborhood to take it to school and give it to the homeroom teacher. Especially in the case of absences it is important to in some way get in contact with the homeroom teacher.

The school telephone number is          

Emergency Contact Network

Due to disasters or bad weather, there are times when the school will close. In these instances, the school will use their Emergency Contact Network and inform you of these closings by e-mail or phone. To receive these notices it is necessary for you to have your contact information on file at the school.


Medical Examinations

Various examinations are performed at the school: an internal medicine exam; ear, nose, and throat exam; dental exam; and eye exam. In addition to these examinations, there are X-rays taken, an EKG test, a urinalysis, and a parasite test. Two times a year the schools perform a developmental examination. This examination is used to gauge your child’s growth.

Special Education

There are special classrooms with certified teachers that work with children who have special needs. If you want to know more about special education services please contact the Sendai Board of Education.

Education Fee

Tuition and textbooks are free at Japanese Public Elementary Schools. Textbooks will be passed out, so there is no need to buy them at a store. Money will be collected monthly, or as needed. The money required to be paid each month will be written in the Gakunendayori (a monthly newsletter from the school). Some examples of fees are money for supplementary books that will be used in class, or bus fares incurred during field trips. Also, depending on the school year of the child, some of the materials (shuuji tools, harmonicas and recorders) will be purchased by the school after collecting money. We will write how much everything costs in the Shuukin-bukuro and pass it out to you. There are also some cases where money for school materials will be automatically withdrawn from your bank account. Please be sure to make sure that there is enough money in your account prior to withdrawal by the school.

Collection of School Dues and PTA Fees

Money will be collected for necessary materials and school activities.


You can purchase insurance for your child through the school. This insurance covers medical fees in the event that your child is injured at school. As a general rule, you are strongly encouraged to purchase this insurance.

Financial Support

Financial support is available depending on the legal guardian’s income. Please consult with the school to see if you are eligible.