【Info】Nihongo Café will be held on November 15 (Wed.) (Theme: Learn About Medical Visits at Hospitals!)
What do you do when you are sick?
Let’s learn about choosing which hospital to go to and things that you should bring to a doctor’s visit!
Date & Time: Wed. 15th November 11:00-12:15
Location: Sendai Aoba Chuo Shimin Center, 2F, Meeting Room No.4
(Address: 2-1-4 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai Tel: 022-223-2516)
Applications: Not needed. *Please come directly to the venue
Participation Fee: Free.
Organisers: SenTIA and Aoba Chuo Shimin Center with Cooperation From: ICAS
Inquiries: Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association (SenTIA)
TEL:022-268-6260 FAX:022-268-6252
*English, Korean, and Chinese interpreting available
*Feel free to bring your friends and family
Please come and join in!