We promote planning multicultural communities through the enrichment of community-based Japanese language education

Project background

Diversifying Japanese study needs

Furthermore, along with the increase and diversification of foreign residents, the needs related to studying Japanese have also diversified. As these varying needs stem from the communities in which they live and their personal lifestyles, it is necessary to provide well-suited opportunities for studying Japanese. There are many foreign residents living in Sendai City. As of April 30, 2021, they numbered 12,848 which was an increase of over 30% in comparison to 10 years earlier. The backgrounds of these foreign residents, such as their nationalities, have also been diversifying. Currently, foreign residents living in Sendai City come from over 120 different countries and regions.

Japanese language classes essential to the community

Japanese language classes have been held in many communities throughout Sendai City as places that provide opportunities for foreign residents to learn Japanese.  Not only do foreign residents learn Japanese during these classes, but Japanese residents also gain the skills necessary to communicate with foreigners in Japanese, which makes these classes a place for mutual exchange and understanding between both parties, and also allows them to learn together as fellow citizens about community issues such as disaster preparation and risk reduction. This makes community-based Japanese classes a vital place for not only foreign residents, but also the community as well. Thinking about how to properly implement community-based Japanese education in Sendai while coordinating with Japanese classes which are essential to the community is an important task.

Project objectives

Under these circumstances, SenTIA received assistance through the Agency for Cultural Affairs’ “Project to Promote a Comprehensive System of Japanese Language Education” and has been pursuing its “Project to Create a System of Community-based Japanese Education” since FY 2020 with the objective of promoting community-based Japanese education, while at the same time investigating issues such as the diversifying Japanese language education needs of foreign residents. In coordination with Japanese classes, related organizations, and other groups, we plan to enrich community-based Japanese language education through the Project to Create a System of Community-based Japanese Education and promote “multicultural community planning” where everyone, regardless of differences in language or culture, can enjoy an exhilarating life.