We help students with roots abroad with their schoolwork as well as Japanese language study.

We help elementary, junior high school, and high school students study Japanese and other academic subjects. Study sessions are conducted on a one-to-one basis between Supporters and students. Study sessions are held once a week, either on a weekday after school or on the weekend. Please let us know the student’s preferred weekday and time. Our bureau will then match a Supporter with the student. For students preparing for their high school entrance exam or have entered high school, it is possible to increase the number of study sessions per week.

Nevertheless, monthly regular meetings and lecture material compilation meetings for Supporters are held online via Zoom. These are open to everyone, so please feel free to join us! Please contact us ahead of time if is your first time attending our meeting.

Foreign Resident’s Child Support Group Website.

Level Elementary school students, junior high school students, high school students
Terms Throughout the year *Join anytime
Class time Weekdays after school, Saturday or Sunday. Once per week (sessions are 2 hours each)
Fee Annual registration fee of 1000 yen, sessions are free to attend
Venue El Sola Sendai (28 Floor in AER next to Sendai Station)
*Online learning support also available
Inquiries Ms. Tadokoro TEL: 090-2793-8899
E-mail: tadokoro12@yahoo.co.jp
Student and Supporter
Autumn Get-together