【SenTIA】Online Classes for Non-native Japanese-speaking Elementary and Junior High School Students from November 8 to December 8 2023 (小中学生のためのオンライン教室)
We will be hosting online classes for children who are non-native Japanese speakers. You can take part using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Volunteer students from the Miyagi University of Education will be there to help the children with their schoolwork or Japanese language study.
・ Elementary to junior high school aged children who are non-native Japanese speakers.
※High school students can also participate. Please consult with SenTIA regarding participation.
※We will be using the videoconferencing software Zoom to host the classes.
Please consult with SenTIA if you do not have a computer, tablet or smart phone which can connect to the internet.
【Date and time】
From November 8 to December 8 2023 every Wednesday and Friday 5:00p.m.~6:00p.m.
At home, or a place with a stable internet connection where you can study.
Free of charge (0 yen)
Please enter the required information into the web form. If you have trouble understanding the web form, please contact SenTIA by phone or e-mail.
【Application deadline】
Monday, October 16st
Contact: Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association (SenTIA)
Tel: 022-268-6260
E-mail: t-igarashi@sentia-sendai.jp
Organizers: Miyagi University of Education
Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association (SenTIA)
Cooperation: Miyagi International Association (MIA)