
If You are Pregnant

1-1 Report Your Pregnancy and Receive Your Maternal and Child Health Handbook

As soon as you find out you are pregnant, you need to submit a notification. Fill out a “Notification of Pregnancy” form, which can be obtained from medical institutes (obstetrics and gynecology clinics), and submit the form to the Home Health Section of your ward office or the Public Health and Welfare Section of your general branch.

You will be issued a Maternal and Child Health Handbook that will aid you in maintenance of your health, and in which you should record you and your child's health status during pregnancy, delivery, and after giving birth.

The date, time and place at which you will be issued your Maternal and Child Health Handbook and what you need to bring to the meeting can be found on the Notification of Pregnancy. For details, you can consult with your ward office/general city branch office.

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1-2 Receiving Pregnancy Health Check-ups

Pregnancy General Health Check-ups

When you are issued the Maternal and Child Health Handbook, you will also receive subsidized vouchers for pregnant persons. Use these vouchers for regular pregnancy health check-ups. Pregnancy health check-ups are crucial to the safe delivery of a child as they monitor the health of the fetus and the pregnant person, and allow any disease to be discovered and treated as soon as possible. Therefore, it is essential to receive pregnancy check-ups regularly. Usually, pregnancy health check-ups are received in the following increment, totaling to 13 to 14 check-ups during your pregnancy.

· 0th week-23rd week (up to the end of the 6th month) once every four weeks
· 24th week-35th week (7th month to the end of the 9th month) once every two weeks
· 36th week (10th month) until childbirth once a week

You must bring a Pregnancy General Health Check-up subsidy voucher issued by the City of Sendai to your health check-ups. Pregnancy General Health Check-up subsidy vouchers are issued along with the Maternal and Child Health Handbook, and are contained within the Supplementary Booklet of the Maternal and Child Health Handbook. You must fill out the required blanks on the subsidy voucher and submit it when you go to get your examination.

Pregnancy Dental Health Check-ups

Those who are pregnant are prone to gingivitis, bleeding and swelling of the gums. The City of Sendai offers dental examination and consultations to protect the dental health of those who are pregnant. You can receive pregnancy dental health check-ups at registered medical institutes. Please consult the Home Health Section of your ward office or the Public Health and Welfare Section of your general branch.

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1-3 Participate in the Parenting Classes

Pregnant persons and their partners can attend free classes where they can learn about pregnancy, delivery, and nursing. They will acquire the knowledge and skills needed through practical training, listening to actual experiences, and group work. Various materials will be covered corresponding to the development of the baby. Those who are pregnant can also meet and talk with other pregnant individuals living in the same area. It can be a good opportunity to make new Japanese friends, so please feel free to join. The dates and times of classes depend on your ward.

Note: Some medical institutes hold their own parenting classes, so make sure to inquire at your hospital or clinic.

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