
Preparing for Childbirth

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2-1 Health Insurance and Delivery Expenses

Since Giving birth is not an illness, health insurance does not cover fees for childbirth, and you will have to pay the entire sum of the delivery expense on your own. However, in the case of Caesarian sections and other treatment procedures, your fees might be covered by your insurance. During pregnancy, if you have to receive medical attention, such as medication or hospitalization, for example in case of pregnancy induced hypertension or anemia, your insurance policy might also apply. In the event that a procedure is covered by health insurance, you will be responsible for paying 30% of the total cost.

For further details, consult the National Health Insurance and Pension Division of each ward office or Miyagi General Branch, or the Public Health and Welfare Section of Akiu General Branch if you are enrolled in the Sendai City National Health Insurance, or consult with your workplace if you are enrolled in social insurance.

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2-2 Lump-sum Allowance for Childbirth

If you are enrolled in National Health Insurance (NHI), when you give birth (including stillbirths and miscarriages from the twelfth week (84th day) onwards), you will be paid a lump-sum allowance for childbirth.
Application period for the lump-sum allowance for childbirth ends two years from the day after one gave birth, so please keep that in mind when applying.
※Those who are enrolled in social insurance should consult their workplace regarding the lump-sum allowance for childbirth.

Direct Payment System of the Lump-sum Allowance for Childbirth
This system allows you to request for the insurance provider (Sendai City) to pay your lump-sum allowance for childbirth directly to the medical institute through completing the necessary procedures at the medical institute where you plan to give birth, so that when you pay for your medical fees, you only have to pay for the left-over amount that was not covered by the lump-sum allowance.

Proxy Acceptance System for Lump-sum Allowance for Childbirth
This system allows you to request for the insurance provider (Sendai City) to pay your lump-sum allowance for childbirth directly to the medical institute, after receiving consent from the medical institute where you plan to give birth and applying at your ward office or general branch, so that when you pay for your medical fees, you only have to pay for the left-over amount that was not covered by the lump-sum allowance. Procedures available differ across medical institutes, so please inquire at the facility where you plan to give birth.

For those who do not plan to use the Direct Payment System or the Proxy Acceptance System
It is possible to submit a request to the insurance provider (Sendai City) for the payment of your lump-sum allowance for childbirth without using the Direct Payment System or the Proxy Acceptance System. Check with the National Health Insurance and Pension Division of each ward office or Miyagi General Branch, or the Public Health and Welfare Section of Akiu General Branch about the amount of the allowance and things that you need when applying for the payment.

Giving birth overseas
You can apply for the lump-sum allowance for childbirth even if you are giving birth outside of Japan. Some documents are required for the application, so make sure to consult the National Health Insurance and Pension Division of each ward office or Miyagi General Branch, or the Public Health and Welfare Section of Akiu General Branch.

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2-3 Childbirth Assistance Program

This system provides affordable delivery options for low-income individuals, who are otherwise unable to afford fees associated with giving birth due to financial reasoning. The hospital where one gives birth at is predetermined and there are requirements that one have to meet in order to use this system. Please consult the Home Health Section of your ward office or the Public Health and Welfare Section of Miyagi General Branch.

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