
When Your Baby Is Born

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3-1 Notification of Delivery

When your baby is born, you will need to register their birth at your ward office/general city branch office, embassy/consulate, and Immigration Bureau.

 (1) First, you will need to get a Birth Certificate from the hospital.

 (2) Within 14 days of the birth, you must submit a Birth Notification to your ward office or the general city branch office, and receive two copies of the Birth Acknowledgment Certificate.

 (3) You must submit one of those copies to the immigration bureau within 30 days and obtain residency certification.

 (4) The other copy must be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then submitted to your embassy or consulate.

 An amendment to immigration law has been in effect as of July 2012. Under the amendment, after you submit your birth notification to your ward office/general city branch office, a certificate of residence as a “person who may continue to stay transitionally in Japan by birth” will be created according to your area of residence. You must apply for a residency permit at the Immigration Bureau within 30 days of birth.

 If one of the parents is Japanese, you will have to do procedures (1) and (4).

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3-2 Newborn Home Visit

When your baby is born, you will need to send in the Birth Notice Form (postcard) included in the supplementary booklet of your Maternal and Child Health Handbook. When your baby is around one month old, a public health nurse or a newborn home visit counselor will visit your home to counsel and advise you on health and nursing. They will also take weight measurements and check the growth of your baby.

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3-3 Health Check-ups for Babies

The City of Sendai provides free health check-ups for babies in order to monitor the growth and development of your child, discover illnesses in their early stages, and give pediatric nursing guidance. Make sure to attend these check-ups for the sake of your baby’s health.

Name of Check-up Content / Report Method Location
Regular Health Check-ups for Infants 2 m/o, 4-5 m/o, 8-9 m/o Growth/development monitoring, early discovery of illness, pediatric nursing guidance.
Schedule a check-up at a registered medical institute using the vouchers contained in the supplementary booklet of the Maternal and Child Health Handbook. The list of registered medical institutes can be found in the supplementary booklet of the Maternal and Child Health Handbook.
Registered medical institutes
3-4 m/o Parenting Class Small group information exchange and nursing consultation with public health nurses. Growth/development of the child is monitored. Families will be notified individually by post on the date and location of their check-up. Your ward office or general city branch office
18 m/o Health Check-up General health examination including pediatric and dental health check-ups. Growth/development of the child are monitored and pediatric guidance is offered. Families will be notified individually by post on the date and location of their check-up.
2 yr. 6 mo. Health Check-up Dental check-up including the number and condition of teeth, cavity, teeth alignment and bite for two-and-a-half-year-old children who at risk of developing cavity. Parents can also consult about the diet of their children and ask for other child-rearing advices.
Families will be notified individually by post on the date and location of their check-up.
3 y/o Health Check-up Three-year-old children experience rapid growth in physical, psychological, and social aspects. It is an important developmental stage where the foundation of one’s character is formed. Families will be notified individually by post on the date and location of their check-up.

Dates and times of check-ups can be rescheduled.

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3-4 Immunization

In order for your child to stay healthy, immunization is necessary. The two types of immunization include routine vaccinations which are mandated by law, and voluntary vaccinations that are only received by those who wish to be vaccinated. The predetermined gaps between when vaccines are received take immunity building into consideration, so please follow the immunization schedule. Vaccination is free when received within the predetermined immunization period, but fees are incurred afterward.

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3-5 Child Allowance

This is money that those raising children can receive from the City. Those who live in Sendai and are raising children that are between the age of 0-years old to children that have yet to graduate from junior high school can receive the allowance. Please apply within 15 days from the day following your child’s birth or the day when you moved into Sendai. If you apply late, you may not receive the allowance for that month, so please apply with time to spare.
For details such as the allowance amount and application procedure, please contact the Childcare and Benefit Section of your ward office or the Public Health and Welfare Section of your general branch.

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3-6 Child Medical Expenses Subsidy Aid

When visiting a medical institution, copayment of your child’s medical expenses will be partially subsidized if you applied for the Child Medical Treatment Expense Aid. However, if the eligible child receives welfare payment, this subsidy is not applicable. For details about the application procedure and the content of the aid, please contact the Childcare and Benefit Section of your ward office or the Public Health and Welfare Section of your general branch office.

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