(Feb 26) Primary School Entry Preparation Session for non-Japanese Children and their Families
“What is different between schools in your home country and in Japan? Is there anything you need to be careful about?”
“Are there any things that need to be prepared or bought, or anything that children need to remember by April?”
“What are the Children’s Association and PTA? What do they do?”
“What kind of food is in a school lunch? Can you get consideration for your religious beliefs with the food?”
“My child can’t speak Japanese. Is there any special support available?”
How should you prepare before your child enters primary school in April?
This session will tell you about the procedures, what to prepare, life at school and about studies.
You can consult with teachers of primary school about your concerns.
【Date&Time】 February 26th (Mon.) 1 pm – 3 pm
【Location】 Koryu Corner, Sendai International Center (Aobayama, Aoba-ku, Sendai)
【Participation Fee】 Free
【Aimed At】 Parents and guardians of children who are not native Japanese speakers
*Interpreters for foreign languages available
【Applications】 Please send applications by fax, e-mail, or by post after filling in the back of the application form.
*Deadline Feb 20th (Tue.)
Send Application to: SenTIA (Int. Relations Dept.)
E-mail: m-horino@sentia-sendai.jp Fax: 022-268-6252
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