BlogNotices from the International Relations Department

Emergency disaster information and consultations for foreign residents and tourists (”Sendai Multilingual Disaster Support Center” )(2019.10.12 13:00)

As a precautionary measure against Typhoon 19 (Hagibis), SenTIA is operating the “Sendai Multilingual Disaster Support Center” to supporting foreign residents and tourists visiting Sendai with appropriate evacuation information.

We are providing disaster related information in multiple languages.
We are providing consultations in multiple languages.
We will also be providing information from the City of Sendai and the Japanese Government via the following listed methods.

If you have any foreign friends who are in need of assistance, please pass on this information to them.

【Telephone/ Information】
Consultations in Easy Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean are available.
TEL (022)224-1919 or (022)265-2471
We will be running for a 24 hour interim period.

We will be sending out information from the City of Sendai and related local government organizations in Easy Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean.
Facebook :
Twitter :

【E-mail Magazine】
We will send you disaster related information by an email newsletter (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean).
Sign up→from「SenTIA MAIL」or the following address.

【The Sendai Disaster Multilingual Support Center】
■ Sendai Multicultural Center (Sendai International Center, 1F, Conference Building)
■ Phone : (022)224-1919、(022)265-2471
■ FAX: (022)265-2472
