♪ Let’s Experiment with Electricity ♪―Foreign Residents’ Child Support Group 20th Anniversary Celebration― 電気(でんき)の実験(じっけん)をしよう ♪―外国人(がいこくじん)の子(こ)ども・サポート(さぽーと)の会(かい) 20(にじゅっ)周年(しゅうねん)記念(きねん)
January 26th (Sun.) 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM (Reception begins at 12:30PM)
Venue: Sendai City Aoba-ku Chuo Shimin Center, 2nd floor, Conference Room 2
Participation fee: Free
Eligibility: Elementary school students from Years 3-6, as well as middle school students, who have a foreign parent
Number of participants: 15 (Applications will close once we have 15 participants)
Attention elementary school and middle school students: how would you like to try experimenting with electricity alongside supporters from the Foreign Residents’ Child Support Group? Let’s build motorized cars and watch them go!
Host: Foreign Residents’ Child Support Group
Funding Support: Miyagi International Association (MIA)
Future Tohoku Expo Commemorative International Exchange Fund Grant Program
Support: Sendai Tourism, Convention, and International Association (SenTIA)
For inquiries and applications:
Please mail, FAX, or e-mail by January 17 (Fri.)
Foreign Residents’ Child Support Group (Tadokoro)
Tsurugaoka, Izumi Ward, Sendai, 981-3109
TEL 090-2793-8899 FAX: 022-375-5639
E-mail: jets@sda.att.ne.jp , tadokoro12@yahoo.co.jp