BlogNotices from the International Relations Department

Sendai Tsutsumi Doll Painting Experience (Subsidized by SenTIA)(堤人形絵付け体験)

The Sendai International Exchange Club is holding an event where you can experience painting Sendai Tsutsumi dolls.

At foreign culture exchange events hosted by us at the Sendai International Exchange Club, we aim to allow people who come from differing countries and ethnicities to value each other by experiencing overseas cultures.
This time we are holding a Sendai Tsutsumi doll painting experience event.
Sendai Tsutsumi dolls are a traditional Sendai craft made of wood. They were first created 300 years ago based on techniques from Kyoto. Sendai Tsutsumi dolls are works of art which were first developed as a 3-dimensional variation of the “Ukiyo-e” woodblock painting style popular during the Edo period in the late 19th century.

Our goal for this workshop is to have foreign guests come and experience this traditional form of Japanese culture while understanding and respecting the differences of others in the process.

Anyone can participate (People of all nationalities, elementary school students welcome).
Please apply and join us!

◆Date and time: Saturday, July 22, 2023 10:30am-12:00pm 
◆Location: Lecture room A, Sendai Multicultural Center
     (Conference Building 1F, Sendai International Center, Aobayama, Aoba-ku)
◆Number of participants: 12 (first-come-first-serve basis)
◆Participation fee: 800 yen
◆Instructor: Tsutsumi doll artisan, Mr. Satou Akihiko
◆Apply: International Exchange Club (Satou)