June Hello Sendai Broadcast(6月の多言語放送局)
Feeling a bit soggy since diving head first into the Japanese rainy season this June? On this episode of Hello Sendai we’ll cover topics ranging from how rainy seasons are in other countries around the world, to the cultural and linguistic aspects related to rain and water. It may seem like a drag sometimes when you get caught without an umbrella, but always remember: water helps the great wheel of life continue spinning, so be thankful you aren’t living in a desert.
Broadcast times and broadcast stations:
Thur., 8 June 17:45~18:00 Radio3 FM 76.2MHz
Sat., 10 June 9:30~9:45 FM Natori 80.1MHz
Tue., 13 June 14:00~14:15 fm Izumi 79.7MHz
Tue., 13 June 17:30~17:45 FM Taihaku 78.9MHz