January Hello Sendai Broadcast(1月の多言語放送局)
Happy New Year everyone! On this month’s Hello Sendai, we will be talking about Coming of Age Day, a national holiday that is unique to Japan. Tyler, Tesia, and Aziz will be discussing how adulthood is defined in their cultures, and what being an adult means to them. Don’t forget to tune in!
Broadcast times and broadcast stations:
Tue., 10 January 17:30~17:45 FM Taihaku 78.9MHz
Thur., 12 January17:45~18:00 Radio3 FM 76.2MHz
Sat., 14 January 9:30~9:45 FM Natori 80.1MHz
Tue., 17 January 14:00~14:15 fm Izumi 79.7MHz
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