BlogNotices from the International Relations Department

Date Changes of National Holidays in 2021(Marine Day, Sports Day, Mountain Day)(2021年の祝日(海の日、スポーツの日、山の日)が移動します)

The following National Holidays; Marine Day, Sports Day, and Mountain Day, have been changed in the 2021 calendar. To this end, consecutive holidays will occur from July 22, the day prior to the Olympics Opening Ceremony, and the weekend of August 8, the day of the Olympics Closing Ceremony.
Furthermore, the day the national holidays conventionally fall on will be observed as weekdays.

◆Date Changes of National Holidays in 2021◆

Marine Day
July 19 → July 22 (Thursday)【Day prior to the Olympics Opening Ceremony

Sports Day
October 11 → July 23 (Friday)【Day of the Olympics Opening Ceremony】

Mountain Day
August 11 →August 8 (Sunday)【Day of the Olympics Closing Ceremony】
※National holiday will be observed on Monday August 9

Consecutive holidays in July
Date Day Overview
July 19 Monday Marine Day 海の日(Usual year)
July 20 Tuesday
July 21 Wednesday
July 22 Thursday Marine Day 海の日 (2021)
July 23 Friday Sports Day スポーツの日 (2021) ※Olympics Opening Ceremony
July 24 Saturday
July 25 Sunday
July 26 Monday
 Consecutive holidays in August
Date Day Overview
August 6 Friday
August 7 Saturday
August 8 Sunday Mountain day 山の日 (2021※Olympics Closing Ceremony
August 9 Monday National Holiday observed
August 10 Tuesday
August 11 Wednesday Mountain Day 山の日 (Regular year)