【Participants wanted】Aug 5th & 7th Online Classes for Non-native Japanese Elementary and Junior High School Students
We will be hosting online classes for non-native Japanese speaking children, through the use of a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Volunteers will help support children with their school curriculum and Japanese language study.
・Elementary to junior high school aged children who are non-native Japanese speakers.
・Those who have a computer, tablet or smart phone which can connect to the internet.
※We will be using the video Web Conference system Zoom to host the classes
Date and time:
August 5 (Wed.) and August 7 (Fri.) 2020 2:00p.m.~3:00p.m. on both days
At home, or a place with a stable internet connection where studying is allowed.
Free of charge (0 yen)
Please enter the required information into the web form
>URL https://forms.gle/EwSqHAK7GuU97GRk6
※If you don’t understand the web form please contact SenTIA by phone or e-mail.
※If there are more applications than spaces, participants will be chosen by lottery.
We will not be holding summer vacation classes at the Aoba Ward Chuo Shimin Center this year due to COVID-19. If you are unable to study online please consult with SenTIA. We can work together to find a way for students to study.
Contact: Sendai Tourism, Convention, and International Association (SenTIA) International Relations Department (Mr. Horino)
Tel: 022-268-6260
E-mail: m-horino@sentia-sendai.jp