Information on Novel Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19)Notices from the International Relations Department

2020年5月8日 “Educational materials for homeschooling” for children with foreign roots
2020年5月1日 Sendai City’s Public Schools are Closed Until Sunday, May 31st, 2020
2020年4月30日 Regarding the Sendai Multicultural Center(仙台多文化共生センターについて)
2020年4月30日 【To Businesses】Please be careful of fires while closed
2020年4月27日 Special Cash Payments (特別定額給付金について)
2020年4月24日 Emergency Request from Governors of the Tohoku Region, Governor of Niigata, and Mayors of Sendai and Niigata Cities April 24, 2020
2020年4月24日 【To Businesses】Sendai City Cooperation Money for Preventing Spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Sendai City Business Cooperation Fund)(仙台市地域産業協力金)
2020年4月22日 Response to and support of those who have been affected by the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) No.4
2020年4月22日 Response to and support of those who have been affected by the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) No.3
2020年4月22日 Response to and support of those who have been affected by the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) No.2