BlogNotices from the International Relations Department

August issue of Sendai City Newsletter is now available online!

You can read the August issue of Sendai City Newsletter in multiple languages (Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean) at Sendai City’s website listed below.

Sendai City Newsletter (Digested Version)


1.Tax Notices
●Inhabitant Tax Payments are Due on August 31 (Wed.)
●Accepting Consultations from Those Who Have Trouble Paying Inhabitant Tax
2.COVID-19 Vaccination Notification
3.Do Not Forget to Submit Forms for the Child-rearing Allowance and Special Child-rearing Allowance
4.COVID-19 Related Support
●Special Benefit of Livelihood Support for Child-rearing Households with Lower Income (Households which are Exempt from Per-capita Inhabitant Taxes)
●Payment of Injury and Illness Allowance within the National Health Insurance System and Advanced-age Medical System