BlogNotices from the International Relations Department

[Notice from Sendai City] Day Care for All Children System(仙台市:こども誰でも通園制度)

The Day Care for All Children System has been launched in Sendai City.
Childcare facilities such as nursery schools can look after children up to the age of two years old.
This service is available to everyone, including guardians who are not working.

●What requirements do my child have to meet for them to be able to use this service?
Your child must meet all the following requirements (1,2 and 3)

1 The child must live in Sendai City
2 The child must be between the ages of six months old and two years old
3 The child must not be enrolled in a childcare facility

●When can I use the service?
From May 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025

●How many times can I use this service
You can use this service for up to 10 hours per month

※if there are a lot of children using the service at the same time, the childcare facility might not be able to accept your child immediately. In that case, please wait until there is vacancy

●How much does the service cost?
300 yen per hour per child
※You might have to pay fees such as lunch fees as well

●Which childcare facilities offer this service?
Please refer to the flyer or the official website of the City of Sendai

Official website of the City of Sendai

●How do I apply to use the service?
(1)Choose the childcare facility that you would like to send your child to from the flyer
(2)Call the facility that you chose
(3)Fill in the application form (Available only in Japanese)

※If you need help with communication over the phone, please call the following number:
Interpretation Support Hotline: 022-224-1919

※If you need help filling in the application form in Japanese, please consult the Multicultural Center
Sendai Multicultural Center 
1F Sendai International Center Conference Building, Aobayama, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi
Tel: 022-265-2471

For details, please contact the childcare facilities listed on the flyer
