2018FY Subsidy for Citizens’ International Exchange Projects (The fourth period )
SenTIA offers a subsidy to cover some of the expenses for projects involving internationalization that are planned and carried out independently by citizen organizations. Please apply if you are planning an international exchange event.
The fourth period application period runs from Nov. 1st (Thur.) until Nov. 30th (Fri.) (excludes weekends) and is for projects that will be held between January 2019 ~ March 2019.
◆Who can apply:Organizations or citizen groups that actively hold events in the Sendai city area and more than one half of the members of your organization are citizens of Sendai or working/ studying in Sendai City.
◆Subsidy amount:Maximum of 100,000yen* (* maximum subsidy amount differs depending on the project.)
◆Inquiries:Sendai Tourism, Convention, International Association(SenTIA)
TEL: 022-268-6260 / FAX 022-268-6252 / E-mail:kokusaika@sentia-sendai.jp
For more information on the subsidy, please check our website: http://int.sentia-sendai.jp/e/activity/subsidy.html (Eng.)