A Treasury of Child-Rearing Advice

公益財団法人仙台観光国際協会 Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association.

Material Compilation: Sendai City Ayashi Nursery, Ochiai Nursery, Kumagane Nursery
Material Provision: Nursery Section, Children’s Future Bureau, City of Sendai
Editing and Translation: Sendai International Relations Association

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HOMETo Everyone Raising Children > What is a Nursery School?

To Everyone Raising Children

What is a Nursery School?

Nursery schools are child welfare facilities that care for children in place of guardians who cannot care for them at home due to work, sickness, or other circumstances.

Eligibility for nursery school

Children residing in Sendai City whose guardians cannot care for them for any of the following reasons are eligible for nursery school.(Although age requirements vary slightly by school,generally children are eligible for nursery school from four months of age up until they enter elementary school.)

  • The child’s guardians work during the day. (Work outside the home, self-employed, etc.)
    ※Children whose guardians work for four or more hours between the hours of 7:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. on four or more days from Monday to Saturday are eligible.
  • The child’s mother is pregnant or has just given birth and cannot care for the child’s siblings.
  • The child’s guardians become ill, are injured, or have mental or physical disabilities.
  • The child’s guardians are caring for other family members at home.
  • The family is burdened after being struck by a disaster such as a fire, storm, flood, or earthquake.
  • Other situations such as the above that result in the inability to care for a child.
    ※Even in the above situations, if there is someone in the household who can care for the child, the child will not be eligible for nursery school.
    ※If you are returning to your hometown to deliver your baby and wish to enroll your child in nursery school in another municipality, please enquire at the Home Health Section of your local Ward Office.

Priority Enrollment Criteria


In the event that there are more applications than places available, children in the greatest need of care will be given priority.
In general, households in which both parents work and single-parent households with long working hours are given high priority, while those with short working hours or those seeking employment are given low priority. In addition, the family’s economic situation, available support, etc. are considered in order to objectively determine which families have the greatest overall need.
For details, please refer to the priority enrollment criteria in “Application Paperwork Downloads.”

Nursery School Hours

Public nursery schools (excludes publicly-owned, privately-run nursery schools)
Regular hours: 7:15 a.m.-6:15 p.m.
Extended hours: 6:15 a.m.-7:15 p.m.(excluding Saturdays)

Nursery School Fees

Nursery school fees are determined based on the combined income taxes of the child’s parents and grandparents or other relatives living in the household (in the event they are supporting the family). (Fees for households exempt from income tax will be determined based on the previous year’s municipal taxes.)

Following enrollment in nursery school,monthly fees must be paid by bank transfer.
If you make use of extended hours,a separate fee will be charged.

Application for Enrollment

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis at the Home Health Section of the Ward Office that has jurisdiction over your first-choice nursery school. However, there is a specific application period for enrollment on April 1st of each year. (The schedule is announced each year in the December issue of the Sendai City Newsletter.)

Confirmation of Enrollment

Children in the greatest need of care will be admitted to the spaces available. However, please be aware that you may not be able to enroll your child in nursery school if you do not meet the criteria for enrollment. In addition, you may not be able to enroll your child in your preferred nursery school due to the number of applications (in this case, when there are openings in the future, children in the greatest need of care will be admitted).

Documents Necessary for Application

Documents 1-5 below are necessary to apply.

  1. Application form for enrollment in nursery school (can be downloaded from “Application Paperwork Downloads.”) 
  2. Documents proving a need for childcare. Proof of employment, medical certificate, etc. Please submit documentation for the child’s parents and other household members under the age of 65.
  3. Documents showing the amount you pay in taxes, for the purpose of determining nursery school fees: tax-income certificate, etc.
  4. Documents confirming the child you wish to enroll: copy of health insurance certificate (that includes the name of the child you wish to enroll), etc.
  5. Documents showing the household’s circumstances: declaration of household circumstances (can be downloaded from “Application Paperwork Downloads.”) 


Where should I apply to enroll my child in nursery school?
Apply to the Home Health Section of the Ward Office that has jurisdiction over your first-choice nursery school. For nursery schools in Aoba Ward, you can also apply at the Health and Welfare Section of Miyagi General Branch Office (however, screening will still take place at Aoba Ward Office).
Is my child guaranteed a place at nursery school?
Your child must be in need of care (due to parents’ work, giving birth, ill health, etc.). However, if there are no places available at your preferred nursery school, there is no guarantee that your child will eventually be admitted. When there are multiple applications, children in the greatest need of care are given priority.
I am currently looking for work. Can I enroll my child in nursery school?
Yes. However, you must begin work within two months of enrollment.
I am currently taking maternity leave. Can I enroll my child in nursery school?
You can enroll your child beginning two months before you return to work.
I am working part-time. Can I enroll my child in nursery school?
Yes, if you are working for four or more hours (between the hours of 7:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.) for four or more days a week.
Are nursery school fees different for public and private nursery schools?
No, they are the same. Even if you enroll your child in a private nursery school, you will pay fees to the City of Sendai.
How much are monthly nursery school fees?
Fees differ depending on the guardian’s income in the previous year and the child’s age. Please enquire for details.

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