A Treasury of Child-Rearing Advice

公益財団法人仙台観光国際協会 Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association.

Material Compilation: Sendai City Ayashi Nursery, Ochiai Nursery, Kumagane Nursery
Material Provision: Nursery Section, Children’s Future Bureau, City of Sendai
Editing and Translation: Sendai International Relations Association


HOMEAge 5 > Getting Ready for School (5 years)

Age 5

Getting Ready for School (5 years)

Your heart swells with hope as your child prepares to enter school for the first time. But you may also have many worries. Everyone wants her child to be happy at school. Here are some things you can do now to help that happen.

Before Entering School

How should you prepare your child to enter school? Start with these things:

Listening Skills

  • Help your child develop the ability to concentrate on what people are saying.

・Talk to your child often at home.
・Read to your child.


  • Help your child take responsibility for her own belongings.

・Decide on a place for your child’s belongings in your home.
・It’s important for your child to think, understand and act on her own.

Letters and Numbers

  • If your child does not show interest in letters or numbers, try playing games to raise her awareness of them in daily life. For example, read the letters on signs together.

・Teach your child to read and write her own name.
・Teach your child the numbers from one to ten.

Daily Routines

  • Have your child go to bed early and wake up early. (Make sure she gets enough sleep.)
  • Make sure your child eats a good breakfast. (Breakfast is what gives your child energy for the day.)

Above all, encourage your child to think, “Elementary school is a fun place!”