A Treasury of Child-Rearing Advice

公益財団法人仙台観光国際協会 Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association.

Material Compilation: Sendai City Ayashi Nursery, Ochiai Nursery, Kumagane Nursery
Material Provision: Nursery Section, Children’s Future Bureau, City of Sendai
Editing and Translation: Sendai International Relations Association


HOMEAge 0 > Baby Food (2)

Age 0

Baby Food (2)

Don’t think about it so hard! Here are some tips for making simple and convenient baby food.

Use your freezer

  • Make a big batch of vegetable soup, let it cool and freeze it in an ice cube tray. When the cubes harden, put them in a plastic freezer bag and thaw them as you need them.
  • Boiled vegetables, mashed potatoes, rice gruel, and other foods can also be divided into portions and frozen for convenience.

Borrow from the family mealBorrow from the family meal

  • Take partially-cooked vegetables from your family meal before adding seasonings and boil them until soft to make baby food.

Ways to use prepared baby food

  • Use “syrupy,” “sticky,” or “soft enough to break with tongue” baby food as a reference for consistency.
  • Add boiled, chopped vegetables and white fish to prepared rice gruel(at 7-8 months)
  • Add finely chopped vegetables and white sauce to prepared soup to make stew(from 10 months)

Baby food Q&ABaby foodQ&A

I can see carrots and spinach in my baby’s stool. Is that OK?
The nutrients are being absorbed so it’s OK. But try cutting the vegetables smaller and cooking them until they are softer.
My baby is refusing to eat things she used eat with no problem.
Your baby is learning lots of new flavors, so don’t worry about it! Praise her when she does eat something.
Why does my baby want to eat by herself even though she spills the food and makes a mess?
  • She is developing the desire to eat by herself.
  • She is developing an interest in new things.
  • She is developing her senses by looking, touching, tasting, and confirming.
  • By using her fingers, she will eventually develop the ability to hold a spoon.

It may be messy, but please respect her desire to eat by herself!

◆When you really can’t have a mess . . .

Lay down newspaper and put a large bib or smock on your baby. Nursery schools fold a towel in half and run elastic through it to make an apron.