A Treasury of Child-Rearing Advice

公益財団法人仙台観光国際協会 Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association.

Material Compilation: Sendai City Ayashi Nursery, Ochiai Nursery, Kumagane Nursery
Material Provision: Nursery Section, Children’s Future Bureau, City of Sendai
Editing and Translation: Sendai International Relations Association


HOMEAge 0 > Baby Food (1)

Age 0

Baby Food (1)

At four to five months, babies start showing an interest in what adults are eating and start drooling.
These are signs that your baby is ready for baby food.

Baby food tips

  • Create a relaxed, fun atmosphere. Say “Yum!” and demonstrate how to chew.
  • This is a time for your baby to learn that there are many flavors other than milk. At first, give your baby one spoonful of one kind of baby food. Then increase the amount and variety of baby foods according to your baby’s stool and appetite.
  • Try to feed your baby at the same times every day to create a daily routine.
  • Don’t compare your baby to other babies. Take it slow, don’t panic, and have fun!
  • If you use a lot of vegetables in your cooking, you can turn part of your family meal into baby food.
  • If you suspect your baby has an allergy, consult your doctor.

Swallowing(5-6 months)

  • Baby begins to close her mouth and swallow 

  • Syrupy, sticky

Gumming(7-8 months)

  • Baby begins to “chew” her food with her upper jaw before swallowing

  • Soft enough to break with tongue(tofu)

Biting(9-11 months)  

  • Baby bites off food and chews before swallowing

  • Soft enough to break with gums

Eating (12-15 months)

  • Baby chews with gums, moves food around with tongue, and swallows

  • Soft enough to chew with gums