Age 0
Baby Food (2)
Don’t think about it so hard! Here are some tips for making simple and convenient baby food.
Use your freezer
- Make a big batch of vegetable soup, let it cool and freeze it in an ice cube tray. When the cubes harden, put them in a plastic freezer bag and thaw them as you need them.
- Boiled vegetables, mashed potatoes, rice gruel, and other foods can also be divided into portions and frozen for convenience.
Borrow from the family meal
- Take partially-cooked vegetables from your family meal before adding seasonings and boil them until soft to make baby food.
Ways to use prepared baby food
- Use “syrupy,” “sticky,” or “soft enough to break with tongue” baby food as a reference for consistency.
- Add boiled, chopped vegetables and white fish to prepared rice gruel(at 7-8 months)
- Add finely chopped vegetables and white sauce to prepared soup to make stew(from 10 months)
Baby food Q&A
- Q:
- I can see carrots and spinach in my baby’s stool. Is that OK?
- A:
- The nutrients are being absorbed so it’s OK. But try cutting the vegetables smaller and cooking them until they are softer.
- Q:
- My baby is refusing to eat things they used eat with no problem.
- A:
- Your baby is learning lots of new flavors, so don’t worry about it! Praise them when they do eat something.
- Q:
- Why does my baby want to eat by herself even though she spills the food and makes a mess?
- A:
- She is developing the desire to eat by herself.
- She is developing an interest in new things.
- She is developing her senses by looking, touching, tasting, and confirming.
- By using her fingers, she will eventually develop the ability to hold a spoon.
It may be messy, but please respect her desire to eat by herself!
◆When you really can’t have a mess . . .
Lay down newspaper and put a large bib or smock on your baby. Nursery schools fold a towel in half and run elastic through it to make an apron.