A Treasury of Child-Rearing Advice

公益財団法人仙台観光国際協会 Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association.
Material Compilation: Sendai City Ayashi Nursery, Ochiai Nursery, Kumagane Nursery
Material Provision: Nursery Section, Children’s Future Bureau, City of Sendai
Editing and Translation: Sendai International Relations Association

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HOMETo Everyone Raising Children > About the Child-Rearing Support Project

To Everyone Raising Children

About the Child-Rearing Support Project

At Sendai City nursery schools, families with children can make use of a variety of services.

About Child-Rearing Support Centers/Rooms at nursery schools

Nursery schools implement the Child-Rearing Support Project in which they offer specialized facilities and consultation free of charge so that neighborhood families can raise their children in a joyful, relaxed way.

What are Neighborhood Child-Rearing Support Projects?

Neighborhood Child-Rearing Support Projects provide facilities that families can use freely and places for families to engage in exchange with each other. Consultation and information on child-rearing is provided in person and over the phone. There are also courses on child-rearing, meals, and other topics.

Participating nursery schools and inquiries

What are Visiting Child-Rearing Support Projects?

These are projects in which nursery school teachers visit families’ homes to offer free child-rearing consultation and support. If you can’t leave your house, feel free to make use of this service.

Participating nursery schools and inquiries

About temporary and special child care

If you are unable to care for your child for a short time due to part-time work, injury or sickness, a family event, or other personal reasons (temporary child care), or if you are unable to care for your child for over 64 hours a week due to starting work or other reasons (special child care), you can leave your child at a nursery school.

What ages are eligible?

Healthy children who are not yet of school age and are not eligible for regular nursery school. (Age requirements differ by school.)

What are the hours available?

7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., excluding Sundays and holidays including year-end and New Year’s holidays. (Saturday hours vary by school.)

How much are the fees?

Children under 3 years: 2,400 yen/day (1,200 yen/half day)
Children over 3 years: 1,200 yen/day (600 yen/half day)
(Fees are waived for households receiving public assistance and households that do not pay municipal taxes)
A separate fee of 300 yen/day applies for school lunch.

Participating nursery schools and inquiries

PREVHOMETo Everyone Raising Children