A Treasury of Child-Rearing Advice

公益財団法人仙台観光国際協会 Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association.

Material Compilation: Sendai City Ayashi Nursery, Ochiai Nursery, Kumagane Nursery
Material Provision: Nursery Section, Children’s Future Bureau, City of Sendai
Editing and Translation: Sendai International Relations Association


HOMEAge 5 > Children’s Meals (5-6 years)

Age 5

Children’s Meals (5-6 years)

This is the age when children become more active and require more food, but may develop an aversion to vegetables or certain other foods. At times like that, try enjoying meals together with your child.

What’s the connection between food and your body?

Rice and bread are foods overflowing with power.

They give you energy when you run.

Meat, eggs, fish, and beans are foods that make up your body.

They become blood and muscle, bones and teeth.

Vegetables and fruits are foods that make your body healthy.

They make you feel good and attack colds!
Help your child learn to eat a balanced diet, even if it’s only gradually!

What manners should my child learn at this age?

Remember to say grace together. Teach your child to be grateful for food and grateful to the person who prepares it. Eat with good posture. Teach your child to eat a little of one dish, then a little of another. Teach your child to chew well before swallowing. Make conversation during meals.

Enjoying Meals

Children love kitchens! Just saying, “Can you help me?” will motivate your child.

Help a la Carte

Have your child join you in the kitchen.

  1. Let your child wash the rice.
  2. Once your child has learned to peel vegetables, teach her to use a knife.
  3. Let your child wipe and set the table and arrange the food.

*Enjoy cooking together!