A Treasury of Child-Rearing Advice

公益財団法人仙台観光国際協会 Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association.

Material Compilation: Sendai City Ayashi Nursery, Ochiai Nursery, Kumagane Nursery
Material Provision: Nursery Section, Children’s Future Bureau, City of Sendai
Editing and Translation: Sendai International Relations Association


HOMEAge 1 > Biting and Scratching

Age 1

Biting and Scratching

When your child can’t express their feelings in words, they may express them in actions. As they become more able to express their self in words, these actions will gradually disappear.

Why does my child bite and scratch?

If your child bites or scratches another child . . .

When playing at the park or a friend’s house . . .

Let your child know it’s not OK to bite by saying things like, “Look, _______ is crying. It hurts when you bite her,” or “Don’t bite.” To the child who was bitten, say, “I’m sorry. That hurt, didn’t it.” Tell the other child’s parents, too.


  • While acknowledging your child’s feelings and the reason they bit someone, teach them useful words such as, “Can I have that?”, how to control their self and how to share.
  • Help children understand each other’s feelings in words by saying things like, “______ wanted to play with that too.”
  • Cut your child’s fingernails often.