BlogNotices from the International Relations Department

FY2023 Subsidy System Guide for Citizen Groups(補助金制度のご案内)

SenTIA offers a subsidy to cover some of the expenses for projects involving international exchange, international cooperation, understanding foreign cultures, and multiculturalism carried out by citizen groups. Please make use of this program if you are expecting to plan such a project.

◆FY2023 Application Periods :(Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
1st Period  February 1 – 28  (For projects between April 2023 and March 2024)
2nd Period May 1 – 31 (For projects between July 2023 and March 2024)
3rd Period August 1 – 31  (For projects between October 2023 and March 2024)
4th Period November 1 – 30 (For projects between January 2024 and March 2024)

※As budget is limited, if there are too many applicants the program will end early, so please submit your applications quickly.

◆Eligible Groups:Nonprofit groups that actively hold events in the Sendai City area and more than one half of the members of your group are citizens of Sendai or working/ studying in Sendai City.
◆Subsidy Amount:Maximum of 100,000yen *Maximum subsidy amount differs depending on the project.
◆Inquiries and Application:Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association (SenTIA)
TEL:022-268-6260 / FAX:022-268-6252 /

For more information on the subsidy, please check our website: