Information in Foreign Languages
These are information translated in foreign languages.
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- Information in Foreign Languages TOP
- Daily Life
- Disaster Prevention
- Health・Medical treatment
- Child, Family
- Other Resources
Daily Life
Name | English | Chinese | Korean | Japanese | Other Languages |
LIFE IN SENDAI [仙台生活便利帳] (SenTIA) |
Vietnamese Nepalese Ukranian Russian |
Manner Manual for Foreign Residents [外国人住民のための生活マナーマニュアル] (City of Sendai) |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
Sendai City Newsletter[Topics] [市政だよりトピックス] (City of Sendai) |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
Sendai Japanese Language Courses [日本語教室の案内] (SenTIA) |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
Labour Bureau Information [労働局の情報] |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
Sendai City Consumer Affairs Consulting Service Information [仙台市消費生活相談のご案内] (City of Sendai) | English・Japanese・Chinese・Korean・Vietnamese・Nepalese |
Name | English | Chinese | Korean | Japanese | Other Languages |
Guide on How to Dispose of Bulky Waste In Sendai City [粗大ごみの捨て方ビデオ] (City of Sendai) |
- | - | - | - | |
Guide for Sorting Recyclables and Waste, and How to Put Them Out for Collection [資源とごみの分け方・出し方] (City of Sendai) |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
Do You Know About the Waste Disposal Rules? [ごみの出し方のルール知っていますか?] (City of Sendai) |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
Multilingual Rule Sheet for Putting Out Garbage (Katahira Area Edition) [多言語ゴミ出しルールシート[片平地区版」] |
English・Japanese・Chinese・Korean | - |
Name | English | Chinese | Korean | Japanese | Other Languages |
Parking for Bicycle and Motorcycle [自転車・バイク駐輪場] (City of Sendai) |
- | - | - | ||
Bicycle Rules DVD [Multilingual Traffic Safety Video] [交通安全ビデオ[自転車ルール]] (SenTIA) |
- | Vietnamese Nepalese |
Rules and Manners of Bicycle Riding in Japan [自転車ルールやマナー] (City of Sendai) |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
Bicycle Rules Poster [Wrong-Way Riding] [自転車ルールポスター[逆走注意]] (City of Sendai) |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
Bicycle Rules Poster[Breaking the Law] [自転車ルールポスター[違反行為]] (City of Sendai) |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
Transportation [交通] (City of Sendai) |
- | - | - | ||
IC Card for public transportation [icscaイクスカ] (City of Sendai) |
- | - | - |
Name | English | Chinese | Korean | Japanese | Other Languages |
Payment Notifications from Ward Offices [Resident tax, National Health Insurance, etc.] [役所から届く支払いのお知らせ] (SenTIA) |
※The language in each file is written side-by-side next to Japanese | Vietnamese Nepalese |
National Health Insurance Guidebook [国民健康保険のしおり] (City of Sendai) |
- |
Name | English | Chinese | Korean | Japanese | Other Languages |
Waterworks Bureau [水道局] (City of Sendai) |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
Water and Sewerage Fee Reductions [水道料金・下水道使用料の減免] (City of Sendai) |
- | ||||
Gas [ガス] (City of Sendai) |
- | ||||
Application Guide for Sendai City Municipal Housing [市営住宅入居募集案内] (City of Sendai) |
- |
Disaster Prevention
Name | English | Chinese | Korean | Japanese | Other Languages |
Sendai Disaster Multilingual Support Center [仙台市災害多言語支援センター] (SenTIA) |
English・Japanese・Chinese・Korean・Vietnamese・Nepalese | ||||
Refuge Area List [避難所リスト] (City of Sendai) |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
Multilingual Disaster Prevention Video Digest ver. [防災ビデオ] (SenTIA) |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
Advice for Protecting Yourself in an Earthquake [地震から身を守るためのアドバイス] (SenTIA) |
Vietnamese Nepalese | ||||
Do you know where to go in the event of a disaster? Flyer [大きな災害が起きたら、 どこに逃げるか知っていますか?] (SenTIA) |
Vietnamese Nepalese | ||||
Advice for Protecting Yourself in Flood Damage and Landslides [水害・土砂災害から身を守るためのアドバイス] (SenTIA) |
Vietnamese Nepalese | ||||
Five-level evacuation information which is given out during times of heavy rain [5段階の大雨避難情報] (SenTIA) |
Vietnamese Nepalese | ||||
Multilingual Boards [災害時多言語表示シート] (CLAIR) |
English・Japanese・Chinese・Korean・Vietnamese・Nepalese, Other languages | ||||
Translation Point Boards [多言語指差しボード] (CLAIR) |
English・Japanese・Chinese・Korean・Vietnamese・Nepalese, Other languages | ||||
"5 points to keep in mind" If COVID-19 has not subsided, in principle, evacuate hazardous places if disaster hits [新型コロナウイルス感染症が収束しない中における 災害時の避難について 『知っておくべき5つのポイント』] (Cabinet Office) |
Vietnamese Nepalese | ||||
119 Calls (Fire・Emergency) Can Be Handled in 17 Languages [119番(火災・救急)は17ヵ国語に対応しています] (City of Sendai) |
Spanish French |
How to call 119 (Emergency call) [119番通報(緊急電話)のかけかた] (City of Sendai) |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
Health・Medical treatment
Name | English | Chinese | Korean | Japanese | Other Languages |
Medical examination [健康診断[市民検診]] (City of Sendai) |
- | ||||
Guilde for when you are feeling ill [具合が悪くなったとき] (JNTO) |
Japanese・English・Chinese・Korean | - |
Child, Family
Name | English | Chinese | Korean | Japanese | Other Languages |
Healthy Maternity Guidebook for those pregnant or nursing in the city of Sendai [子育て情報サイト] (SenTIA) |
- | ||||
What to Do When Your Child Is Sick [子どもが病気になったら] (SenTIA) |
- | ||||
A Treasury of Child-Rearing Advice [とっておきの子育ての話] (SenTIA) |
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Notice of School Expense Subsidies [就学援助制度のお知らせ] (Sendai City Board of Education ) |
- | - | |||
Child Allowance [児童手当] (City of Sendai) |
- | ||||
Things to Know and Prepare Before Entering Elementary School [小学校入学までに知っておくこと・準備しておくこと] (SenTIA) |
Vietnamese Nepalese Tagalog | ||||
Children’s Education: What Parents of Elementary School Children Can Do at Home [子どもの教育 小学生の親が家庭でできること] (Foreign Residents’ Child Support Group) |
Vietnamese Nepalese Tagalog | ||||
Japanese Elementary Schools [日本の小学校] (SenTIA) |
※The language in each file is written side-by-side next to Japanese | Vietnamese Nepalese Tagalog | |||
Japanese Junior High Schools [日本の中学校] (SenTIA) |
※The language in each file is written side-by-side next to Japanese | Vietnamese Nepalese Tagalog | |||
Guidebook on Elementary and Junior High School for Pakistani Nationals Living in Miyagi Prefecture [宮城に暮らすパキスタン人のための小学校・中学校ガイドブック] (MIA) |
- | - | - | Urdu | |
Childcare Facility Enrollment Information[2024] [保育施設等利用案内[2024年度版]] (City of Sendai) |
- | ||||
Enrollment Procedure for Childcare Facilities and Services[Year round enrollment] [保育施設等利用案内[通年版]] (City of Sendai) |
- | ||||
Phrase List for Nursery Schools [保育所での会話集] (City of Sendai) |
- | Vietnamese Nepalese |
Childbirth Assistance Program [助産制度のご案内] (City of Sendai) |
Vietnamese Tagalog |
Daycares for All Children System [こども誰でも通園制度] (City of Sendai) |
Vietnamese Nepalese |
User Guide for Sendai City Children’s Clubs [児童クラブ利用案内] (City of Sendai) |
- | - | - | ||
Miyagi Career Guidebook for Children & Parents who are Non-native Japanese Speakers [日本語を母語としない子どもと親のための 進路ガイドブック宮城] (Career Guidance Executive Committee for Children and Parents) |
English・Japanese・Chinese・Korean・Vietnamese・Nepalese・Tagalog・Spanish | ||||
Domestic Violence Hotline Plus [DV相談プラス] (Cabinet Office) |
Vietnamese Nepalese Other languages |
Name | English | Chinese | Korean | Japanese | Other Languages |
The Social Security and Tax Number System [マイナンバー制度] (Cabinet Office) |
Chinese(kantaiji) Chinese(hantaiji) |
Portuguese Spanish Other languages |